M 51 – Whirlpool-Galaxy
MouseOver for object identification
100% resolution (1542 x 1109px)
Exposure data
Telescope: 12" Meade ACF f=1500mm
Reducer: Lumicon Giant Easy Guider
Camera: SBIG ST2000XM
Filters: SBIG LRGB
Exposure times: L:20x5min+10x10min R:3x5min+1x10min G:3x5min+1x10min B:3x5min+1x10min (L:1x1 RGB:2x2)
Exposure time total: 4h 35min
Mount: Vixen New Atlux
Location: Erdweg/Germany (500m)
Date: 2008-05-08 + 2010-04-08
Object data of M 51
Object type: Galaxy (Sbc)
Size: 11.2' x 6.9'
Magnitude: 8.1 mag
Constellation: Canes Venatici
Distance: 31 Mio Ly
Object data of NGC 5195
Object type: Galaxy (SB0)
Size: 5.8' x 4.6'
Magnitude: 10.5 mag
Constellation: Canes Venatici
Distance: 25 Mio Ly
Notes: North is right