Exposure data

Telescope:    Vixen VC200L (8" Cassegrain f=1260mm)
Camera:    SBIG ST8300M
Filters:    Baader LRGB
Exposure times:    L:28x10min R:6x10min G:6x10min B:6x10min
Exposure time total:    8h 20min
Mount:    10 Micron GM 1000 HPS
Location:    Erdweg/Germany (500m)
Date:    2017-03-25+26
Object data of NGC 4725

Object type:    Galaxy (SAB)
Size:    11.0' x 7.4'
Magnitude:    10.1 mag
Constellation:    Coma Berenices
Distance:    41 Mio Ly

Below you can find an inverted image of NGC 4725