Exposure data

Telescope:    4.5" Newton f=440mm
Camera:    SBIG ST8300M
Filters:    Baader HαLRGB
Exposure times:    Hα:12x10min L:78x10min R:12x10min G:12x10min B:12x10min
Exposure time total:    21h
Mount:    10 Micron GM 1000 HPS
Location:    Erdweg/Germany (500m)
Date:    2013-02-09+10+11 + 2013-03-03+04
Object data of M 81

Object type:    Galaxy (Sb)
Size:    26.9' x 14.1'
Magnitude:    7.0 mag
Constellation:    Ursa Major
Distance:    12 Mio Ly
Object data of M 82

Object type:    Galaxy (irregular)
Size:    11.2' x 4.3'
Magnitude:    8.6 mag
Constellation:    Ursa Major
Distance:    14 Mio Ly

Notes:    Galactic Cirrus, also known as Integrated Flux Nebula is spread over the whole image field. North is right.

Below you can find an inverted image of galactic cirrus around M 81 + M 82