Exposure data

Telescope:    10" Lacerta Newton f=1000mm
Camera:    SBIG ST8300M
Filters:    Baader HαLRGB
Exposure times:    Hα:6x10min L:31x8min R:10x6min G:10x6min B:10x6min
Exposure time total:    8h 8min
Mount:    10 Micron GM 1000 HPS
Location:    Erdweg/Germany (500m)
Date:    2018-04-18+19

Object data of M 106

Object type:    Galaxy (SBc)
Size:    18.6' x 7.2'
Magnitude:    8.3 mag
Constellation:    Canes Venatici
Distance:    24 Mio Ly

Object data of NGC 4217

Object type:    Galaxy (Sb)
Size:    5.2' x 1.5'
Magnitude:    11.2 mag
Constellation:    Canes Venatici
Distance:    60 Mio Ly